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guides du mercantour

guides du mercantour

Guides Haute Montagne et Accompagnateurs du Mercantour

Canyoning du Mercantour Alpes Maritimes - 06
Canyoning découverte
Randonnées pédestre - alpine
Vallée des Merveilles
Ski de randonnée
heliski Héliski
Via Ferrata Baus de la Frema - Lantosque
Balades découverte raquettes à neige
Raids Mercantour

Formulaire de contact Guides du Mercantour
pour réserver directement en ligne votre activité ou obtenir des renseignements en remplissant le formulaire.

 IdéeLes inscriptions aux activités ne seront définitives qu'après un versement d'arrhes que vous pouvez effectuer par chéque (nous contacter pour l'adresse postale).


Escapade is a team of mountain guides based for 15 years in Saint Martin Vésubie, heart of the Mercantour mountains, french alps , less than one hour drive from Nice.

Escapade - Mercantour mountain guides
Climbing - Canyoning - Via Ferrata - Mountaineering - Trekking - Ski - Snowshoes - Aquarando - Hiking
Valley of Wonders - Ski touring - Heliski - Walks - Raids Mercantour

Canyoning du Mercantour
Swimming, jumping, absailing and natural slides are programmed as part of this adventurous and amusing activity practised along the steep and narrow gorges at the heart of one of the most appreciated regions in France..

Aquatic treks
In the same spirit as canyoning; this activity is for beginners or younger participants from 7 years of age.

Via Ferrata
Not need to master the techniques of climbing to practice these "walks vertigo" on a developed rungs, walkways and rope bridges.
Sensations guaranteed safe. From 10 years

Climbing school
To learn the basics or to brush up your existing technique. A veritable education in self control and humility. Preparation for mountain climbing. Adults and children from 6 years of age.

Discover the "Vallée des Merveilles" with a professional, approved by the "Parc National du Mercantour". Visit the protected areas of the park and discover the most beautiful engravings, lakes, wildlife and natural vegetation. Superb alpine treks; day long circuits on and around the higbest summits of the Mercantour. Outings led by a professional nature photographer; author of several photographic collections on nature and the mountains.

From the ridges of "la Fenetre de la Madone" to the expansive paths of " la Cougourde", you will discover the incredible, recently reequiped mountains of the Mercantour. Mountain climbing for all levels.

Escapade in the winter
Raid Skiing
Off pistes skiing
Snowshoes trekking
Ice climbing
Trekking ( Maroc, Nepal...) all year


Contact Form Guides Mercantour - 06
book online for your business or information by filling out the form.

Phone : 04 93 03 31 32

Fax :

Email :

Practical information

Bus from Nice

Railways of Provence
4a Rue Alfred Binet - 06000 Nice

Bus Station Nice Côte d'Azur

5 Boulevard Jean-Jaurès - 06300 Nice

Train station
Avenue Thiers - 06049 Nice
Tel. or 36 35 (for foreigners)

Locate shelters and CAF
French Alpine Club: online booking of high mountain refuges with map Mercantour - 06

Météo France
Departmental forecasts to five days for the Alpes-Maritimes

Mountain rescue
Tel. : 04 97 22 22 22 or 112

You plan to locate

alpes maritimes

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